Welcome to feedzone!

The story of feedzone
Athletes, welcome!
We are Miro and Jan – long-distance triathletes, runners, cyclists, and endurance enthusiasts in general. We launched feedzone to provide premium endurance nutrition and supplements to fellow athletes because… well, somebody had to create it. Here's our story.
The guinea pig stage
During our own athletic endeavors, we have encountered many of the usual issues – in training as well as during races – dehydration, cramps, bonking, lengthy recovery and so on. We refused to accept all of the above as simply being a part of becoming an endurance athlete, and true to our background in fintech, we got really analytical: Was there a missing piece? If we didn't buy into the notion that pain and suffering was integral to performing at your best, what else could be true or possible?
Nutrition: The 4th pillar of Triathlon
Soon enough, it hit us – besides structured training, and of course quality sleep, a key pillar is often overlooked. Nutrition.
We can't be the only ones!
We then went on and researched, as well as experimented with, many different solutions. After years of exploring, we were sure: we've found exceptional brands and products that really deliver.
Unfortunately, oftentimes it was only possible to procure those items from the US, with all the problems that entailed: from duties that went as high up as 50 %, high shipping costs to time it took. Even when the products were available in the EU, we often had to make multiple orders from different sites, pay shipping costs and wait for the individual deliveries.
Here we (all) are
That is why we decided to launch feedzone: one-stop-shop to fuel your training and competitions, purely focused on endurance athletes and their specific needs.
At feedzone, we do not sell quick fixes and miracle performance boosters. We aim to provide you the last missing piece to complement your training and recovery regime. You still have to get the work done, but these products will help you to push that 1% harder and further, and recover that 1% quicker. Over time, we know this will add up to massive gains for you! We look forward to embarking on this journey with you!
Let's #fuelyourrise
Miro & Jan